Control Metrics in Power BI; 8 Nelson Rules


This blog is a guide on how to control metrics in Power BI using Nelson rules for Statistical Process Control (SPC).

I begin with an overview of SPC and provide practical examples of how it can add value across various sectors. I then explain why Nelson rules are important in SPC, and the logic used by each of the eight rules to identify unexpected values that signal when a metric is uncontrolled.

Finally, I detail how to build your own solution in Power BI, from configuring the data model to creating key DAX measures and formatting the control chart.

Solution (.pbix) and source files:

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

Statistical Process Control (SPC) was first introduced in the 1920s to boost production quality by monitoring and managing variation [1]. Its main tool, the control chart, became a vital part of the Six Sigma methodology introduced by Motorola in 1986 [2] and remains widely used in manufacturing today.

A control chart monitors how a value varies from the average value. This variation is compared to a statistically expected level of variation, represented by the standard deviation (SD), as shown below.

The table below shows how 'SD from Average' relates to the 'Likelihood' of a value occurring. Values that are ‘very rare’ signal that an unexpected change has occurred, causing the process to become uncontrolled. 

Though SPC originated in manufacturing, it can easily be applied to other sectors. It can be used to monitor costs in finance, waiting times in a call centre, and noise pollution in construction. In healthcare, it can identify unusual patterns in blood pressure or heart rate that may signal a patient's condition is deteriorating. These insights allow clinicians to intervene promptly and potentially provide life-saving care. Given the numerous metrics that need to be controlled, SPC is an incredibly valuable tool to become familiar with.

Nelson Rules

Control charts define control limits, beyond which data points are considered uncontrolled. Walter A. Shewhart, the pioneer of SPC, set control limits at three standard deviations above and below the process average. This remains the most important criterion in SPC and is often used in isolation.

For normally distributed data, just 0.3% of data points satisfy Shewhart’s criterion for being out of control. As this criterion has such a wide tolerance, there is a risk of missing critical instability signals, such as trends, patterns, or clusters. To identify these instability signals, Lloyd S. Nelson developed the eight ‘Nelson rules’ in 1984 [4]. Using all eight Nelson rules in combination helps to detect early warning signs and a broader range of out-of-control conditions. For this reason, I include all eight Nelson rules in the provided solution.

The eight Nelson rules are detailed below.

Rule 1: At least one point is beyond three standard deviations from the mean* (at least one value is significantly out of control)

*From now on, I will use term "mean" instead of "average" to distinguish it from other types of averages, such as the median.


Rule 2: Nine points in a row are on the same side of the mean (prolonged bias)


Rule 3: Six points in a row steadily increasing or decreasing (a trend exists)


Rule 4: Fourteen points in a row alternating up and down (extended oscillation)


Rule 5: At least two out of three points in a row are more than 2 standard deviations from the mean in the same direction (medium tendency for samples to be mediumly out of control


Rule 6: At least four out of five points in a row are more than 1 standard deviation from the mean in the same direction (strong tendency for samples to be slightly out of control)


Rule 7: Fifteen points in a row are within 1 standard deviation of the mean, and are on both sides of the mean (greater variation would be expected)


Rule 8: Eight points in a row are not within 1 standard deviation of the mean, and are on both sides of the mean (significant oscillation)



Key measures, or sections of, are shown in the main body of the blog, while longer measures are included in the appendix. Less important measures, not included in the blog or the appendix, can be found in the PBIX file.


1. Data Model

I kept the data model simple, to focus our attention on the required measures and formatting. The tables ‘Process’, ‘Legend’ and ‘Icons’ were imported from GitHub using the Power Query Web Connector. Apart from the automatically applied transformations, ‘Promoted Headers’ and ‘Changed Type’ , no additional transformations were applied in Power Query.

A date table, ‘Date’, was created in DAX.

Date =



    "Year", YEAR([Date]),

    "Month", FORMAT([Date],"MMM"),

    "MonthNumber", MONTH([Date]),

    "Day", DAY([Date])



A blank table, ‘_Measures’, was created in DAX for storing measures.

_Measures = {BLANK()}

A many-to-one relationship was created between the ‘Process’ table and the ‘Date’ table.


2. Total Value, Mean and Standard Deviation

Measures were defined for total value, mean, and standard deviation. These measures are heavily referenced by other measures in the solution.


Total Value = SUM('Process'[Value])

Mean = AVERAGEX ( ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ), [Total Value] )

SD = STDEVX.P ( ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ), [Total Value] )


 3.      Alternating Values

The measure [Alternating] was created to detect alternating values. [Alternating] is used in the [Control Rules] measure to test a value against Rule 3 and Rule 4. Rule 3 tests for six consecutive points that do not alternate in direction, while Rule 4 tests for fourteen consecutive points that alternate in direction. The DAX formula for [Alternating] is detailed in Appendix A.

To establish that a value alternates direction, it is necessary to know the value of the two prior data points. The current value and the previous two values were defined as variables, as shown below.

//-------Last 3 Values ---------------------------------------

VAR Value_Current = [Total Value]


VAR Value_BeforeCurrent =


        [Total Value],

        OFFSET(-1, ALLSELECTED('Date'[Date]))



VAR Value_TwoBeforeCurrent =


        [Total Value],

        OFFSET(-2, ALLSELECTED('Date'[Date]))


I used the SIGN function to identify the direction of movement between the first and second data points, and between the second and third data points. SIGN returns 1 for an upward direction, -1 for a downward direction, and 0 if there is no directional change.

//-------Previous and Current Direction of [Total Value] -----

VAR Direction_Previous =




        SIGN(Value_BeforeCurrent - Value_TwoBeforeCurrent)



VAR Direction_Current =




        SIGN(Value_Current - Value_BeforeCurrent)


Finally, a Boolean expression is used to return the result. This returns TRUE if there are two consecutive directional changes, and the changes are opposite in direction. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

//-------Condition for [Total Value] to alternate ------------

VAR Result =

    Direction_Previous <> 0 &&

    Direction_Current <> 0 &&

    Direction_Previous <> Direction_Current




Note that [Alternating] will always return FALSE for the first two data points, as there aren't three data points available for comparison. [Alternating] was verified by adding it as a data label on a line chart, as shown below.

4.  Control Rules

The measure [Control Rules] was developed to evaluate each data point against all eight Nelson rules. While sections of the measure are shown below, the complete measure can be found in Appendix B. As the measure is long, I only highlight some key concepts below. If you have any questions about the specifics of the logic, please feel free to send me a message!

 4.1    Rule Variables

The criteria for each Nelson rule were converted into DAX expressions that return a Boolean value, either TRUE or FALSE. If a value meets a rule’s criterion, the expression returns TRUE, signalling that the metric is uncontrolled; otherwise, it returns FALSE. The [Control Rules] measure evaluates all eight expressions and stores the results in variables named ‘Rule1’ through ‘Rule8’.

 4.2    SWITCH Function

The SWITCH function was used to identify the first of the eight variables to return TRUE.



Rule1, 1,

Rule2, 2,

Rule3, 3,

Rule4, 4,

Rule5, 5,

Rule6, 6,

Rule7, 7,

Rule8, 8,



 As TRUE is used as the first argument of SWITCH, it is equivalent to the following list of IF statements.








                                IF ( Rule88,

                                    BLANK () ))))))))

As Rule 1 through 4 provide the strongest indication of whether a metric is controlled [5], the rules were listed in ascending order within the SWITCH function. This ensures that the most important rule is flagged if a data point meets the criteria of multiple rules.

 4.3    WINDOW Function

Control rule criteria are defined in terms of a specified number of data points. Each set of data points is stored as a table variable using the WINDOW function. For example, Rule 2, which specifies that nine points in a row must be on the same side of the mean, uses a table variable called ‘Last9’.  ‘Last9’ is a table with nine consecutive dates, the current date and previous eight dates.

VAR Last9 =

    WINDOW ( -8, REL, 0, REL, ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ) )

 4.4    Rule 3 and Rule 4
For six out of the eight rules, the criterion is defined in terms of the mean and standard deviation. In contrast, the criterion of Rule 3 and Rule 4 are defined in terms of the number of consecutive alternating values.
In the expressions used to test Rule 3 and Rule 4, the [Alternating] measure was added as new column in the table variables ‘Last7’ and ‘Last14’, as shown below.

//Rule 4: Fourteen points in a row alternating up and down

VAR Last14_Alternating =

    ADDCOLUMNS ( Last14, "Alt", [Alternating] )

//[Alternating] returns FALSE for the first 2 values of ‘Last14’, as there are not 3 points for comparison. Therefore, if last 14 values are alternating, [Alternating] will return 12 as TRUE

VAR Rule4 =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last14_Alternating, [Alt] = TRUE () ) ) = 12

        && COUNTROWS ( Last14 ) = 14

5.   Line Chart and Conditional Formatting

To make it easy to spot why certain data points are out of control, the colour of data point markers was conditionally formatted based on the result of [Control Rules].

Marker Colour =

//Used to conditionally format the colour of the markers

LOOKUPVALUE ( 'Legend'[Colour], 'Legend'[ID], [Control Rules] )

The ‘Legend’ table is shown below.

Strangely, Power BI doesn’t allow you to directly apply conditional formatting to markers in a line chart visual. However, it is possible to achieve this through a workaround. The [Marker Colour] measure was first applied to the columns in a column chart, and then the column chart was converted into a line chart. This way, the line chart markers retain the conditional formatting.

6.  Custom Legend

The legend is a table visual with the columns ‘Legend’[Rule], [Legend], and ‘Legend’[Problem Indicated]. The measure [Legend] is equal to UNICHAR(11044), a large round circle that looks like a data point marker. 

The table was formatted so that only the values were visible.

The measure [Legend Colour] was used to conditionally format the font colour of [Legend] so that it matched the marker colours on the graph.

Legend Colour =

//Used to conditionally format the colour of legend

 MAX ( 'Legend'[Colour] )

As the legend is large, I wanted to make it easier to read by filtering it to the relevant information, displaying only the control rules that meet the specified criteria. To do this, I added the following measure, [Legend Filter], as a filter on the table visual and filtered it to 1 in the filter pane.

Legend Filter =

VAR RuleNumber =

    MAX ( 'Legend'[ID] )

VAR VirtualTable =

    ADDCOLUMNS ( VALUES ( 'Date'[Date] ), "Nelson rule", [Control Rules] )

VAR Result =

    IF ( CONTAINS ( VirtualTable, [Nelson rule], RuleNumber ), 1, 0 )



7. Other Formatting Options

Formatting depends on personal/client preference, so I won’t dive into the specifics of each step I took. However, if you’re curious about any of the details, feel free to drop a comment on this blog or message me on LinkedIn—I’d be happy to chat!

Key formatting changes/additions:

  • Line formatting
  • Dynamic axis limits to give data labels enough space
  • Data labels
  • Dynamic text and images
  • [Control Rules] in ‘Tooltips’ field
  • Y-axis constant lines: the mean, and 3 lines above and below the mean in increments of 1 standard deviation

 Further Developments

This proof of concept can be adapted to:

  • Include specification limits
  • Calculate the mean and standard deviation based on the last month or the last calendar month etc.
  • Work with discrete data, such as the number of defective items in manufacturing process
  • Include moving-range charts, which track the differences between consecutive measurements
  • Work with multiple process categories, e.g., Machine 1, Machine 2, etc.


Thank you

Thanks for reading! Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions or feedback. If you use this in a project or develop the solution further, please let me know—I’d love to hear about it!


[1] Shewhart, Walter A. 1931. Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company.

[2] Kumar, Sanjoy, and Yash P. Gupta. “Statistical Process Control at Motorola’s Austin Assembly Plant.” Interfaces 23, no. 2 (1993): 84–92.

[3] MetrologyGate. "The 8 Nelson Rules in the Statistical Process Control (SPC)." Last modified January 10, 2024.

[4] Nelson, Lloyd S. 1984. “The Shewhart Control Chart—Tests for Special Causes.” Journal of Quality Technology 16 (4): 237–39. doi:10.1080/00224065.1984.11978921.

[5] Rane, Shaligram, Rustom Mody, and Hitesh Patel. "Continuous Process Performance Monitoring Using Nelson Rules." Pharma Focus Asia. Accessed August 19, 2024.

Appendix A; [Alternating]

Alternating =

//Returns TRUE if current value of [Total Value] moves in an alternative direction to the direction moved by the previous 2 values


//-------Last 3 Values ---------------------------------------

VAR Value_Current = [Total Value]


VAR Value_BeforeCurrent =


        [Total Value],

        OFFSET(-1, ALLSELECTED('Date'[Date]))



VAR Value_TwoBeforeCurrent =


        [Total Value],

        OFFSET(-2, ALLSELECTED('Date'[Date]))



//-------Previous and Current Direction of [Total Value] -----

VAR Direction_Previous =




        SIGN(Value_BeforeCurrent - Value_TwoBeforeCurrent)



VAR Direction_Current =




        SIGN(Value_Current - Value_BeforeCurrent)


//-------Condition for [Total Value] to alternate ------------

VAR Result =

    Direction_Previous <> 0 &&

    Direction_Current <> 0 &&

    Direction_Previous <> Direction_Current




Appendix B; [Control Rules]

Control Rules =

//--------Mean and Standard Deviation-------------------------

VAR Mean =




//--------Window Functions------------------------------------

VAR Last3 =

    WINDOW ( -2, REL, 0, REL, ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ) )

VAR Last5 =

    WINDOW ( -4, REL, 0, REL, ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ) )

VAR Last7 =

    WINDOW ( -6, REL, 0, REL, ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ) )

VAR Last8 =

    WINDOW ( -7, REL, 0, REL, ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ) )

VAR Last9 =

    WINDOW ( -8, REL, 0, REL, ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ) )

VAR Last14 =

    WINDOW ( -13, REL, 0, REL, ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ) )

VAR Last15 =

    WINDOW ( -14, REL, 0, REL, ALLSELECTED ( 'Date'[Date] ) )


//Rule 1: One point is beyond three standard deviation from the mean

VAR Rule1 =

    ABS ( [Total Value] - Mean ) > 3 * SD


//Rule2: Nine points in a row are on the same side of the mean

VAR Last9_AboveMean =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last9, [Total Value] > Mean ) )

VAR Last9_BelowMean =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last9, [Total Value] < Mean ) )

VAR Rule2 =

    ( Last9_BelowMean = 9

        || Last9_AboveMean = 9 )

        && COUNTROWS ( Last9 ) = 9


//Rule 3: Six points in a row steadily increasing or decreasing

VAR Last7_Alternating =

    ADDCOLUMNS ( Last7, "Alt", [Alternating] )

VAR Rule3 =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last7_Alternating, [Alt] = FALSE () ) ) = 7

                && COUNTROWS(DISTINCT(Last7)) = 7


//Rule 4: Fourteen points in a row alternating up and down

VAR Last14_Alternating =

    ADDCOLUMNS ( Last14, "Alt", [Alternating] )

//[Alternating] returns FALSE for the first 2 values of ‘Last14’, as there are not 3 points for comparison. Therefore, if last 14 values are alternating, [Alternating] will return 12 as TRUE

VAR Rule4 =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last14_Alternating, [Alt] = TRUE () ) ) = 12

        && COUNTROWS ( Last14 ) = 14


//Rule 5: At least two out of three points in a row are more than 2 standard deviations from the mean in the same direction

VAR Last3_MoreThan2SD =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last3, ( [Total Value] > ( Mean + 2 * SD ) ) ) )

VAR Last3_LessThanMinus2SD =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last3, ( [Total Value] < ( Mean - 2 * SD ) ) ) )

VAR Rule5 =

    ( Last3_MoreThan2SD >= 2

        || Last3_LessThanMinus2SD >= 2 )

        && COUNTROWS ( Last3 ) = 3


//Rule 6: At least four out of five points in a row are more than 1 standard deviation from the mean in the same direction

VAR Last5_MoreThan1SD =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last5, [Total Value] > ( Mean + SD ) ) )

VAR Last5_LessThanMinus1SD =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last5, [Total Value] < ( Mean - SD ) ) )

VAR Rule6 =

    ( Last5_MoreThan1SD >= 4

        || Last5_LessThanMinus1SD >= 4 )

        && COUNTROWS ( Last5 ) = 5


//Rule 7: Fifteen points in a row are within 1 standard deviation of the mean, and are on both sides of the mean

VAR Last15_Within1SD =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last15, ABS ( [Total Value] - Mean ) <= SD ) )

VAR Rule7 =

    Last15_Within1SD = 15

        && COUNTROWS ( Last15 ) = 15


// Rule 8: Eight points in a row are not within 1 standard deviation of the mean, and are on both sides of the mean

VAR Last8_Within1SD =

    COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Last8, ABS ( [Total Value] - Mean ) <= SD ) )

VAR Last8_Min =

    MINX ( Last8, [Total Value] )

VAR Last8_Max =

    MAXX ( Last8, [Total Value] )

VAR Rule8 =

    Last8_Within1SD = 0

        && Last8_Max > Mean

        && Last8_Min < Mean

        && COUNTROWS ( Last8 ) = 8

//--------Choose Rule-----------------------------------------

// Returns the rule that returns true if the system is out of control

VAR NelsonRules =



        Rule1, 1,

        Rule2, 2,

        Rule3, 3,

        Rule4, 4,

        Rule5, 5,

        Rule6, 6,

        Rule7, 7,

        Rule8, 8,



VAR Result =

    IF ( [Total Value] <> BLANK (), NelsonRules, BLANK () )


